Managing access
Internal vs. External sites
Drupal sites template allows for two types of sites:
- Internal sites: only users with SLAC credentials can access the site
- External sites: open to the public, no credentials necessary to access
Manage access for content editors
Great news! You don't depend on the web team anymore to grant access to content editors. Once the site is set up, site owners are able to manage user permissions using Grouper. (NOTE: If off site, you will need to be VPN'ed into SLAC to gain access to the Grouper application)
Access to edit the website should be restricted to only those users who are responsible for creating or directly editing content.

Using Grouper to manage edit permissions for your Drupal site
Learn to manage edit permissions for your Drupal website in this short video. (3:52)
Roles and Permissions
A role defines a group of users that have certain privileges. Assign a role to a user based on the work they will be doing within your site.
These are a few common roles you might assign to users.
User can create, publish and delete content, and view unpublished content. User can manage taxonomy terms, web forms, and menu items.
They can manage site settings and site-wide alerts, and can view site reports.
User can create, publish and delete content, and view unpublished content. User can manage taxonomy terms, web forms, and menu items.
User can create content but cannot publish it. Content author can only edit their own content and manage files and media.