Update site name
The name of your website is prominently displayed in the top left, just below the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory wordmark.
While the steps below will guide you to update the site name as it appears on the website header, please keep in mind that it won’t change the site name on the browser tab or the site URL. Those changes can only be made by a platform Admin. Please contact the web team at webteam@slac.stanford.edu to discuss these changes.
The site name will display as the title of the site and will be the title that is displayed in searches such as Google searches. (e.g., the site name https://it.slac.stanford.edu is "SLAC Information Technology").

How-to: Update site name
- Navigate to Content > Site settings >

2. Within Site settings, scroll down to Organization Details to select "Edit".

3. Update the respective fields in Organization Details.
Note: The field designated for uploading an SVG Logo is exclusively intended for SLAC Facility Icons provided by the Strategic Communications & External Affairs (SC & EA). This field is specifically aligned with the SLAC Brand Identity Guidelines, which focus solely on Facility Icons. If you have any questions or need clarification about these guidelines, we encourage you to contact Communications (SC & EA) at (650) 926-8703 or communications@slac.stanford.edu.

4. Click the "Save" button.