Listing Page Example - Events Two Column Hero [Grid]

Join us for exciting events that bring people together and foster connections. Our gatherings raise awareness, educate, and engage with staff, the Stanford local communities, and the general public. 

Check out our new training series, "Drupal sites office hours," for a chance to gain new skills and network with like-minded individuals.

Stay connected by subscribing to our newsletter for the latest event updates or browse our archive of past recordings to find something that interests you. Look forward to seeing you at our next event!

Exclusive SLAC IT eNewsletter Outline Button sample


IMPORTANT: The site editor must manually update the content that was featured in the "Right Col. Content" spotlight once the event or news item has passed. The responsibility lies with the editor to ensure that the content remains current...
Multiple left spotlights shining to the right with starry night sky
Events Filter
IMPORTANT: The site editor must manually update the content that was featured in the "Right Col. Content" spotlight once the event or news...
Multiple left spotlights shining to the right with starry night sky

In this example, a future event scheduled for 2037 is featured. By activating the "External Link" toggle switch in the Edit screen and providing...

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