Adding RSS Feed
RSS Feed Fun Facts
Permission level required: Site Manager.
RSS feeds can only be placed on the Homepage content type.
What is RSS? RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. It's an easy way for you to keep up with news and information that's important to you and your site. News content can be pulled directly into your site and placed on your site's homepage. This content is called a "feed."

Before an RSS feed can be added to your homepage, you will first need to create the RSS feed.
Create RSS Feed:
- In the admin menu, navigate to: Configuration > Web Services > Aggregator
- Or the relative path is: /admin/config/services/aggregator

- Fill out the appropriate information, making sure the URL for the RSS feed is in the correct format.
- Select “Save”

Add New RSS Feed
Be sure to include a URL that follows the correct formatting for RSS.
Congratulations! You created an RSS feed and it should now show up on the Aggregator page: /admin/config/services/aggregator.

- Once the RSS feed has been created, it's important to now establish the connection between your site and the site that contains the news feed. Select the drop down menu for the newly created RSS feed and choose "Update items". This establishes the initial connection required. Going forward the site will automatically update the RSS feed according to the interval established.

The next step is to add the RSS feedback to your homepage.
Add RSS Feed to Homepage
Now that you've created an RSS feed, we need to add the RSS feed to your site's homepage.
NOTE: Drupal 9 sites are configured to only have RSS feeds show up on the “Homepage” content type.
- Navigate to your homepage and select “Edit”
- Scroll down to the bottom of the placed Paragraph Types, and select “Embed Block Content”

Paragraph Type Dropdown Screengrab.png
From the dropdown menu, select "Embed Block Content". The RSS feed will placed inside this paragraph type.
- From the dropdown menu, Select "Trending News Feed"

From the drop down menu, select "Trending News Feed"
- From the dropdown menu, select the RSS feed to be displayed on homepage

Select the RSS feed you would like to display on your site's homepage
- Select "Save"
Your homepage should now display the RSS feed.