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Listing Page Example - People [List]

This is an example of a listing page showing People.

Select "Listing Page" from the available content types to build a listing page. In the content section, select "Embed View". Some content types are available to list with or without filters; select which content type you're intending to display. Additionally, some content can be displayed in a grid or a list. 

Below is an example of Embed View / Content Lists - With Filters displaying Persons in a "List" view.

Note: Content such as Persons, Events, Publications, News Articles, etc., must be published to show up on a listing page. For example, if a Listing page for Events is created but no events are published, the Listing page will appear empty. Learn more about the Listing page

People Filter

Chip Dalby

Web Designer at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
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Mai Nguyen

Web Designer at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
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