Section (Configurable Column Layout) PT
This Paragraph Type (PT) offers a myriad of options and remarkable flexibility to create a unique “section” that sets it apart from the rest of the page.
- Choose 1-4 columns of layout.
- Select Card Image with Icon or Image with Optional Image.
- Add a section color within the "Behavior" tab for custom enhancement by choosing 1 of 9 background colors.
- Pick a Link Style (Button or Big CTA) within the "Behavior" tab.
3 Col · Card Opt Img · Blue Green Bkg · Arrow link
Section (Config Col Layout) / 3 Column / Card with Optional Image / "Behavior" tab / Blue Green Gradient Section Bkg / Default Padding
Take a look at the link locations and styles in this Blue Green Bkground Section
Find the appropriate fields in the Edit screen to add a link:
• Arrow link: Section Title above
(Title Link field below Title)
• Big CTA link: Card 1
(Link text field below URL)
• Button A: Card 2
(Link text field below URL)
• Arrow link: Card 3
(Link field below Title)
• Button B: Below Card 1
- Big CTA link

Title that grabs attention with Arrow link
Description provides an informative glimpse of the topic and excites site visitors to learn more. Nice to be short and simple. This is a 35-word count paragraph example. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet lectus magna.